Low Dose Weekly Decitabine/Venetoclax

Metabolically Optimized, Non-cytotoxic Low Dose Weekly Decitabine/Venetoclax in MDS and AML

What's the purpose of the trial?

Myeloid malignancies which include AML (acute myeloid leukemia) and MDS (myelodysplatic syndrome) are cancers of the bone marrow which lead to bone marrow failure. The bone marrow is the place or factory in the body where components of blood such as red cells, platelets and white cells are made. In bone marrow failure, the ability of the bone marrow to make these cells is decreased. The decreased bone marrow function is the result from abnormalities that develop in the malignant cells which prevent the normal maturation process by which bone marrow cells develop into red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. The malignant cells in the bone marrow are not good at maturing to make the components of the blood that you need, they occupy space in the bone marrow and prevent the function of remaining normal bone marrow cells. DNA is a chemical substance within cells that stores information needed for cell growth and cell behavior. One approach to treating the malignant cells is to give chemotherapy which damages DNA within these cells and causes their death. Unfortunately, such therapy has side-effects, since even normal cells can be affected by the treatment. Decitabine is FDA approved for treatment of MDS and AML. Venetoclax is approved for AML in combination with Azacitidine for patients with AML or are over age 75 or unfit for chemotherapy. In this study, Decitabine and venetoclax will be administered using a low dose weekly schedule in an attempt to improve efficacy by decreasing the side effects often seen when these drugs are given at standard dosing.
Trial status

Accepting patients

Phase 2
Last Updated
4 months ago
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Experimental Treatments

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  • Decitabine is a type of chemotherapy called a hypomethylating agent that interferes with the growth and spread of cancer cells in the body. 
  • Venetoclax is a BCL-2 inhibitor that may work by blocking the action of the BCL-2 protein on some cancer cells which can lead to cell death. 

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