Protocol For Genomically Profiling, Collecting, Archiving And Distributing Blood And Bone Marrow Specimens From Children And Young Adults With Hematologic Malignancy

What's the purpose of the trial?

This research study is a genomic profiling and repository study for children and young adults who have leukemia, myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) or myeloproliferative syndrome (MPS). Genes are the part of cells that contain the instructions which tell cells how to make the right proteins to grow and work. Genes are composed of DNA letters that spell out these instructions. Genomic profiling helps investigators understand why the disease develops and the instructions that led to its development. Understanding the genetic factors of the disease can also help investigator understand why the disease of some people can respond to certain therapies differently than others. The genomic profiling will be performed using bone marrow and blood samples that either have already been obtained during a previous clinical procedure or will be obtained at the time of a scheduled clinical procedure. Studying the genetic information in the cells of these samples will provide information about the origin, progression, and treatment of leukemia and myeloproliferative syndromes and myelodysplastic syndrome. Storing the bone marrow and blood samples will allow for additional research and genomic assessments to be performed in the future.
Trial status

Accepting patients

Last Updated
4 months ago
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