A Randomized Phase II Study Evaluating the Efficacy of Hyperbaric Oxygen in Improving Engraftment in Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cell Transplantation

What's the purpose of the trial?

The UCB transplant is a type of stem cell transplant used to treat cancer of the blood or lymph glands. The UCB transplant has advantages over other types of transplants such as ease of obtaining the umbilical cord blood, absence of donor risks, reduced risks of contagious infections, and the availability for immediate use. The UCB transplant is also associated with a lower incidence of graft versus host disease, or GvHD (in GvHD, the transplanted graft attacks the recipient organs).
Trial status

Accepting patients

Phase 2
Last Updated
4 months ago
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  • Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy involves breathing in pure oxygen in a pressurized environment to help with a variety of different conditions. It is being studied to see if it improves response to stem cell transplants in cancer patients.

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Accepting patients

Hyperbaric Oxygen

Accepting patients

Non-Hyperbaric Oxygen

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